9 things that bother me

Adults who buy their children ATVs – Is this a socially acceptable way to crush your children?

low budget hotdogs – If I am going to indulge in a meal that’s incredibly bad for me, it should at least taste good.

The fine print – I absolutely love car commercials on tv that have the 6 point font that explain the terms of contract. Just because I can’t see the specific terms of the contract doesn’t mean I can’t trust them, right? They’re looking out for me. I know they are. 28% interest sounds fair.

Anime – large-eyed people with narrow mouths that have the acting depth of Steven Seagal. It’s beyond annoying.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – I bet the stuff he was smoking that made him think he’d be able to visit the World Trade Center site was really strong. He must have the same drug dealer as Ann Coulter.

Lee C. Bollinger – The President of Columbia University is confusing academic freedom with being an unbalanced idiot.  It is possible to be liberal without sounding like you’ve had a lobotomy.

Digital Rights Management – The recording industry is trying to make up for lost decades of the public trading copies of audio cassettes. It’s made them think that the individual doesn’t really own the material they buy now. They’re just borrowing it. I am all for protecting the rights of distribution, let’s say, in the crackdown of foreign countries pirating movies. I am not, however, liking being locked out of being able to convert items to other formats for my own use.

Windows Vista – This operating system is such a resource hog that even mentioning it in front of your own computer will make the system run slower or crash. I plan on having an open source operating system on my home computer before this becomes public.

Law breakers who try to wrap their crimes in The Constitution – Would someone please let Warren Jeffs & his followers know that sexually assaulting 14 year olds is not a constitutional right?

3 responses to “9 things that bother me

  1. Howdy! I’m with you on a lot of these points, especially the Iranian guy, the Columbia guy and the hot dogs. We don’t eat them very often around here (cholesterol issues) so I go for a quality dog (on whole grain buns of course).

    Anime I can take or leave.

  2. Anime- it does suck..

    Windows Vista – SOLUTION: BUY A MAC

  3. Hilarious but true

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